
Ruma Gorga - House of Gorga

Gorga Batak carving or sculpture is traditional, usually located on the outer wall and the front portion of the Batak traditional houses. Gorga no decorations or ornaments are made by carving the wood (board) and then painted with three (3) kinds of colors: red, black and white. Three kinds of color is called three bolit.
Materials to Gorga is usually a soft wood that is easily scraped / carved. Usually grandmothers ungil Batak people choose wood or some people call ingul wood. Ungil wood has a specific nature, namely, among others, are resistant to direct sunlight, as well as upon exposure to rain water, which means it is not easily damaged / rotted due to contact with blistering heat of the sun and rain exposure. Ungil wood is also commonly used to manufacture materials ship / boat on Lake Toba.
Paint materials (dye)
In ancient times Grandma Toba Batak people naturally create their own paint for example:Red paint colors taken from the rock hula, a type of red-colored natural stone that can not be found in all regions. Look for any way to have a special skill. The rock is ground into a fine as flour and mixed with a little water, then rubbed into the engraving.White paint colors taken from the land of white-colored, smooth and soft ground in a language called Tano Batak Buro. Buro Tano being ground into powder and mixed with a little water, so it looks like paint the walls in the present.Color Black Cat done from similar plants are pounded into powder and mixed with ashes or crock pot. Ash was scraped from the pot or the pot and put the leaves are crushed before, and then roasted to produce such a continuous black paint today.
Types / Kinds Gorga Batak
According to the way the process there are two types:
A. Gorga Gorga Uhir is carved using chisels and carved ready for a new stained after2. Gorga Gorga Dais is depicted with three bolit paint. Dais Gorga is a complement to the traditional house of Batak Toba. Contained on the Courant side of the house, and dibahagian in.
According to its shapeJudging from the ornaments and pictures can also Gorga's have their own names, among others;
• Ipon-Ipon Gorga, There dibahagian edge of Gorga; Ipon-Ipon in Indonesian is Gigi. Human being without teeth is less attractive, so Batak carvings, in the absence of Ipon-Ipon lacking beauty and harmony. There Ipon Ipon-diverse, depending on the ability of the sculptor to create it. Usually this Ipon Gorga Ipon-width between two to three centimeters in other words the edge of the board with a decorative edge that is interesting.
• Sitompi Gorga, Sitompi derived from tompi, one of the hooked tool dileher buffalo farmers in plowing time. Gorga Sitompi including a beautiful species in the collection of Batak Gorga. Besides its beauty, the possibility of accidentally order it to sipemilik home builders Uhir (Pande) will remember the service tool (Tompi) to the buffalo and to humans.
• Gorga Simataniari (Sun), Gorga depicting the sun, there are left and right corner of the house. Gorga is done artisan carving (Pande) considering the services of the sun that illuminates this world, because the sun also include the source of all life, without the sun there would not be alive.
• Village Naualu Gorga (Eight directions of the compass), Gorga depicts images of the wind which added decorations. Batak people first have to know / familiar with the wind. These winds have also had close linkages with the activities or rituals used in the manufacture of a person's horoscope / family. As a reflection of the feeling of the importance of angina in the eyes of the Batak tribe diperbuatlah and embodied in the form of Gorga.
• The Marogung-ogung Gorga (Gong), In ancient times Ogung (gong) is something very precious. Ogung not made in the country, reportedly Ogung imported from India. While its use is indispensable to the traditional parties and even to use in ritual ceremonies, such as to hold Gondang Malim (ritual purity). By having a set Ogung sign that the family was a noble family. As memories of the greatness and value it as a picture Ogung / state homeowner then be made Marogung-ogung Gorga.
• Gorga Lions Lions, By hearing or reading the word lion it will be struck in the hearts and minds we will be saying: King of the Forest, strong, good, strong, capable, dignified. Not everyone can build a house Gorga caused by various factors, including socioeconomic factors and others. People who are able to build the house Gorga Batak people are capable of clear and authoritative in his village. That is why the Lions Gorga Gorga be included in the collection of Batak
• Jorgom Gorga, There are also people called or there Jorgom Gorga Gorga called Ulu Lions. Commonly placed over the entrance to the house, shaped like animals and humans.
• Starch and Adop Boras Gorga Adop (Tetek), Boras Pati creature that resembles a kind of lizard or lizard. Starch Boras rarely visible or manifest themselves, usually when Boras Starch is often visible, indicating that the plants become fertile and the crops did well to wealth (hamoraon). Gorga Boras Starch combined with breast (milk, Tarus). For the Batak view of milk (breast) have special meaning in which the breasts are large and heavy water is a sign of healthy children and a lot or have lots of offspring (Gabe). So the combination of Boras Starch milk (breast) are symbolic Hagabeon, Hamoraon as the dream of the Batak.
• Gorga Ulu Paung, Ulu Paung Gorga house located on top of Batak. Without Ulu Paung Gorga Batak house becomes less robust. In ancient times supplied Paung Ulu (content) with the power of supernatural metaphysics. Besides, as beautifying the home, Ulu Paung also serves to counter begu fields (Satan) who comes from outside the village. Ancient Batak people are increasingly under attack from the dark forces outside the home to create discord in the home (family) so it does not get along between husband and wife. Or make residents insomnia or fear of physical pain and also a variety of disharmony.
There are many other images contained on the wall or front portion of Batak houses are very closely related to the history of the personality of the homeowner. There are also pictures of the bull, pine trees, people on horseback, people are tying the buffalo. Manuk-Manuk images (bird) and bird ornaments Patia King symbolic knowledge and others.
Jaha Jaha Gorga Is That?
People often ask, and questioned about manjaha (read) Gorga Batak which often confuses many people. Gorga Batak do not like reading the letters to read Latin or Arabic alphabet or letter Batak, Kawi and the other letters. Read the Batak Gorga interpret the images and colors that are in the house and connect it to Gorga's History of the owner of the house.
For example: Gorga disebuah Batak house are pictures Ogung (gong), while the homeowner or a grandmother and father have never had a party with a hit Ogung / drum, the Gorga house does not comply with the home owner's personal circumstances, then the people who read it said Gorga house Gorga house is not suitable.
Another example: Person A person who develops a new economic sector in the village, and build a house Gorga Batak. The A is an only child and the father is also an only child. However, it's a lot Gorga house paint in red and hard, and anyway his lions (Mata Ulu Paungnya) wide and challenging, the Gorga house was not suitable because the A is the newly emerging economies (namamora mamungka). So people who read his Gorga said to the A. A lot more should be wearing the colors of the Lintom (Black) and Ulu Paungnya little smile, Ulu Paung dipuncak home there.
Ruma (HOUSE)
So we already know that Gorga (carving) Batak Batak house it makes it very beautifully elegant and very happy feeling to see it, both the Western / European feeling very happy to see the shape of the Batak houses and ornate jewelry.How is it happier? Is beautiful and elegant as we see from the outside? To answer this question let us first look from various viewpoints. Batak house did not have the room (of old), so clearly the feeling is less good when compared to today.
The ancestors of the Batak (Batak Bangso) Batak house called the "Jabu na na marampang marjual". Ampang and Sell is the place to measure rice or grains such as rice / beans etc.. Selling is so Ampang and gauges, so House Gorga, traditional house that is measured, has the legal laws, rules, criteria and the criteria for boundaries.
Even if it does not have a Batak house room / wall but there are regions (of Regional) is set by law at the law. Ruma Batak room was usually in the top 4 regions (Courant), namely:
A. Jabu Bona is the right corner next to the rear of the house entrance, common area in temapti by the host family.2. Soding Jabu is the upper-left corner behind the door of the house. Portion is occupied by children who have puberty (girls)3. Jabu Suhat, is the dibahagian front left corner near the entrance. This area is occupied by the oldest son married, since time immemorial there has been no house at cost (contract) so that the oldest son does not have a house occupied Suhat Jabu.4. Jabu Slap Plate, is the right corner of the front portion near the entrance. This area is usually prepared for the guests, this area is also often called Jabu Jabu soding slap a plate or Jolo, Jolo.
Besides, where all four corners of the predator was still there between Bona and Jabu Jabu Slap Plate, this is called Jabu Jabu Tongatonga Ni Bona. And the area between Jabu Jabu Suhat Soding and called Jabu Jabu Soding Tongatonga Ni.
That is why the room was Ruma Batak be divided by 4 (four) or 6 (six), so when the Batak held a meeting (conference) or RIA in the house is often said that until now; Marpungu jabunta hita in Ampang na na mar Marjual on, Jabu na na marsangap Martua on. And so on ......
Dihatiha nasalpui (ancient) Batak tribes sometimes i set up a house as a joint venture or a house shared between brother and sister and the house was called bagasse RIPE RIPE.
Before you build it they consulted in advance and determine and decide: who occupies BONA Jabu, who is occupying Jabu Jabu Soding Tamparpiring Suhat and Jabu. Surely a house like this is somewhat larger, and this trait is the rest of the remaining properties kommunal community. But in spite of the apparent nature of the family kommunal properties like this, their whole house of mutual respect, especially toward women.
There has never been as widespread rape or adultery rampant in this era of the all materialists. The Batak tribe in hatiha grandmother (when) it respects his friend's wife who happened to her husband outside the home.
This is where the beauty of a portion of the house Batak were mainly in the field of morals. They respect the rights of others and respect the size size (Ampang / Sell) law in the area of ​​law that does not have a home chamber (room) they fully recognize that it was indeed Jabu namar Marjual Ampang.
House (Ruma) are in a foreign language is called HOUSE has many ways to call in accordance with its function. When Ruma's rice storage place then the grandmothers grandmothers Batak tribe called Sopo PARPEOPAN EME. When Ruma (Sopo) that serves as a place of worship of the Gods BEGAN SO NA Bolon I (Lord GOD), then the place was called Joro. And even today many people still call Batak Church as Joro ni DEBATA Bagas. Bagas Joro old Ruma shaped exactly like the Batak and the remains are still there have ever seen in the area Humbang and they worship on Saturday.
There are also special places Ruma's deliberation of the family and the relatives of relatives place to talk about important things. Place called Tari in Sopo, and usually do not have a wall dance sopo example we can see in Lumban Bulbul Balige District whose owner called SB Marpaung (op. Miduk), or in some places still exist remains of sopo dance that we can see.
Said another word to describe the house there is also said; SIBAGANDING PARENTS, according to a proper sunber BAGANDING OLD believe it is a creature who is also God's creation, its form like a snake whose length is at most 2 inch fingers. For those lucky people who could have come home BAGANDING OLD definitely bring fortune and abundance. Anyway if it has BAGANDING OLD Ruma Ruma owners will be coming from different parts of the fortune.Thus the Batak tribe that often use the word and said smoothing literature to show Ruma as a human habitation by calling Jabu BAGANDING OLD SI.
Compiled from records, old Baganding term is also defined as the terminology to the woman (wife) home owners, and for men (husbands) termed Simanguliman. When interpreted in a special ceremony admonished the house as "bagasse old Sibaganding Simanguliman on", meaning that the husband and wife are still incomplete.Women (wives) also means "old pangalapan", the source of blessing, while the house is defined as the association of wealth and lineage blessings and honor."Namarampang Namarjual" refers to a house that has a life, own property, and enforcement of the rule of law in the family and society.Loss of a wife is a loss of honor for the family and the house itself, so that placement and Namarampang Namarjual Sibagandingtua term is no longer automatic spoken to a woman (wife) or the law of one of the boys have occupied the house.According to folklore, if a wise wife that the family had passed away, then "boraspati" (lizard) would leave the house. Boraspati is a symbol of fertility and always made traditional Batak house ornament. The truth has not been investigated.
Mention to show the variety of Ruma (human settlements) in the Batak language, the word is also often called BALE call, but BALE less frequently used as a family dwelling place (HOUSE in English). Hall Bale means meeting place between the seller and buyer. Examples of models such as the Hall Balige Ruma BATAK Gorga, but its function is as a place of buying and selling daily necessities.
However, even if BALEBALE unusual places such as family housing and child birth Batak people are now often mentioned as a regular house (House). The proof, they say "PAJONG Jong BALE BALE do anakta nuaeng in Medan," meaning: Son we are building a house in Medan. Though his house was built in Medan is gedong home. Disan do "Bale balenta", (That's where our home) "Nungnga adong Balebale lae ni i in Jakarta" (already in-laws house we were in Jakarta.
Gogop stairs (even)
Earlier we already know that the Batak Ruma was under the stairs and the door is divided into 2 (two) that portion of the Tolumbea and Ruma Ruma Batak Batak In Amporik ni Baba. But if the number of the steps are always odd-stage whether it's 9 or 11 or 7 principal amount is always odd. For the people of Batak Toba is an even number of steps (gogop) is abstinence, because the number of steps is shown that home owners are descendants of slaves (Hatoban).
Things like this do not have to Ruma Batak because it is impossible to establish a slave-Batak house, or as the owner of Ruma Batak. If there is any house that even-stage (gogop) it may be in other types of homes. Because of the Batak lands in antiquity and today we find there is also patio homes far exceeds even the amount of Ruma Batak.
According to the story obtained from the chat conversation between the writer and decent people who believed that in ancient times there were no slaves in Samosir. And if the slave was going to eat first voiced mew (mew mar) like a cat then put the rice on the floor of his master's house.And if the slave was free at home make a hut with a number of steps such as his home even 2 or 4.
At the time of onset of Indonesia's Independence day I still get to hear that children of homeowners even bertangga very difficult to get a beautiful soul mate. So it's clear that the Batak house that bore no gogop ladder.


In the old Batak society, Datu is a very important role both in the framework of the provision of buildings from forest materials such as wood, palm fiber (material for the roof of the house), rattan, stone foundation, etc.. Because it is not impossible that buildings materials are the property of the creatures in the forest spirits. For example, it is a stone seat seat (relax relax) spirits in the woods and picked up by humans ubtuk Ruma foundation material will be disastrous for the inhabitants of Ruma. So is the wood, there is also his dominion over the forest that should never be used by humans, as well as a binder cane there is also the ruler of his forest (Begu).

Datu's metaphysical knowledge can see, hear and smell that can not be seen and heard by ordinary people. To begin construction and entering Ruma Ruma, datu must open the book Porhalaan / similar handbook Batak people.

In the book there is shown Porhalaan begu time when silent, when to relax, when to interrupt, so there should be a Batak people in ancient times believed in the Sumangot and begu, the spirit of the ever-living ancestor called Tondi people who are dreaming deemed his spirit was traveling and wander. What happened in the odyssey that was his dream.

Spirit centered in the head (simanjujung). Head of the Batak people should not be disregarded, his spirit might feel embarrassed, shocked or jump. That is why the Batak on certain occasions to put a little rice on the head (the pear Boras manjomput ni Tondi) such that the fire house, the arrival of law, a child who long wander and go home.

Batak people always like to mention the words of Horace. The same words with hard or solid; stocky, in the Indonesian people meet each other to say Horas, the leaders (President, Secretary, Governor, etc.) who come to visit the Toba area are always greeted with a roar Horas ... long live, some are saying Horas Bangso Batak means that the spirit of the hard, strong, sturdy. Because of the Batak people always put Pir ni Tondi (hard spirits).

Batak people are smart and elder in the community are also classified Datu Datu word comes from the word Da Tu +. Da word is often used to honor someone such as Da host (mother), bone Da, Da ompung (grandmother).

Datu, is believed to always speak the truth, requiring truth that most people do not know. Saying the right thing "tutu", corroborated by the statement "nda-tutu" or "da-tutu". Similarly, a statement attacking the mother "da-host".
Datu understanding of the meaning of the term and began to shift when the victimization and the freedom of self in society. Errors that have occurred Datu finally made an impact on the decline in valuation of the Datu.
Datu, now tends to mean just a healer and shaman, shamanism also interpreted the behavior of bad deeds to others such as witchcraft, and so forth.
Ruma-Courant Courant BATAK
According to Ruma Batak level it can be divided into 3 sections:A. Bottom (Tombara) consisting of a stone foundation or ojahan short poles, pegs (design), which pierce the pole, ladder (balatuk)2. Middle section (Tonga), which consists of the front wall, sidewalls, and rear3. Upper part (Ginjang) consisting of a roof (tarup) under the roof above urur urur LAIS stretches, the old roof was Ruma fibers (fibers of palm tree).
The lower part serves as a livestock such as buffalo, oxen, etc.. The middle part is the room where human settlements. The top of the storage places of sacred objects (ugasan homitan).
According to a researcher and writer Gorga Batak (Batak Ruma) was named the 1920 Dutch DWN De Boer, in his book Het Huis Toba Batak, the three continents that are:A. World or banua Toru (bottom)2. World or banua Tonga (center)3. World or banua ginjang (above)
Furthermore Toba Batak people who have long believed that the third world (banua) was created by the Great God called words Mula So Na Bolon. Along with the division of the universe (the universe) was composed of three parts, the Toba Batak people also share / Ruma plan their traditions into 3 parts.
Traditional house has three levels according to the level of the cosmos, thus writing a Achim Sibeth the Batak peoples of the roof (tarup). The roof of the house is roofed tradition (palm tree fiber) are prepared by  20 cm thick neat and artsy. Under the existing roofed-LAIS LAIS many small, the material is taken from the palm tree is also called hodong. In the fibers are placed by a stick placed tarugit origin was not all of them, arranged with a certain art to the top of the Batak Batak Ruma it seems fine, elegant, and artful.
About tarugit
Tarugit is an object to create an expression that can be a way of life the Batak Toba. The Batak people often say Ni sickle tarugit Pora and celebration, molo tinean uli teanon do dohot gora, or in other words, hita Unang RIPE sitean uli so dohot tumean gora.
As the essence of this expression is uli and gora, but uli and gora is the second word that is opposite but very useful to guide the lives of Batak Toba. Uli is describing a fortune (gain), honor, glory, fame. Gora is describing energy expenditure, capital expenditure of time and many struggles. For example: To be a success the famous / lucky or smart as we have to spend large capital, the excess time and energy and a variety of promotions as goranya.